Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network
The Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN) is a pan-Canadian initiative to improve the efficiency and quality of clinical trials in Canada. 3CTN will enable sites to increase their capacity and capability to conduct academic trials and give patients more access to academic trials. Q-CROC acts as Provincial Coordinator, tasked with supporting the academic clinical research centers in Quebec affiliated to the clinical research network.
The agreement with 3CTN allows Q-CROC members to access tools and means provided by 3CTN:
Per case funding, to stimulate patient recruitment;
Hiring of human resources;
Development and sharing of tools to support data collection, patient recruitment, project development and management;
Canadian academic and multicentric clinical trial portfolio;
Training courses;
Patient awareness campaigns;
Sharing best practices across the network.
Find out more about 3CTN at
The Canadian Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre
The Canadian Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre (CCTCC) was established to strengthen the clinical trials sector and promote Canada internationally as a first-class destination for clinical research.
CCTCC initiatives aim to enhance operational efficiency, combining recommendations that can be found in the 2011 action plan to attract more clinical trials in Canada and address the most urgent needs in the field of clinical trials.
Q-CROC has contributed to making an inventory of Canada's strengths and assets in clinical research. The Canadian Clinical Trials Asset Map (CCTAM, or IACEC in French) is a database that can be accessed on the Internet. The main objective is to display Canada's strengths in clinical research to stakeholders, including clinical trial sponsors.
Q-CROC provided the information for the Province of Quebec.
For more information on CCTCC:
For more information on CCTAM:
Network of Networks
Q-CROC is the provincial relay of various initiatives originating from its partners, especially of awareness campaigns such as the « Ask Me Campaign » (3CTN) or « It Starts With Me » (N2). We disseminate these initiatives to the sites and help them implement these campaigns.
The Network of Networks (N2) is a not-for-profit incorporated organization and an alliance of Canadian research networks and organizations working to enhance national clinical research capability and capacity. The agreement with N2 allows our members to benefit from the very best tools, training courses, feedbacks and expertise to ensure continuous improvement within their clinical research department.
Find out more about N2 at